About WholeSum Counselling
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts ”
— Kurt Koffka
Gestalt Counselling
The Gestalt approach views a person holistically, believing that all aspects of a being are equally important - From your coffee order to your thoughts and feelings. Due to its holistic nature, Gestalt is wonderfully adaptive to clients and often lends towards the creative.
This means that if the client wishes, we will be able to use many different innovative methods within our sessions. The therapeutic relationship is also significant with this approach, as it relies upon the dynamic being equal for authentic exploration.
This modality feels that we often perceive events with interpretation, Gestalt can support clients with engaging through presence and also works well for those who struggle to recognise or talk about their emotions, as the creative aspect can support them with this.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses upon how your thoughts, environment and emotions effect your behavior. It is a therapy that is commonly used within the NHS, as it has measurable outcomes.
CBT may empower you and provide you with skills to support yourself in the future.
CBT works well with the Gestalt approach and is also collaborative in nature.
During a session, I may include CBT tools to support a client if I feel it is appropriate.